Call now to find out the prices:
+ 375 (17) 300 02 08
Transport and warehouse
Our highly professional team will provide transportation of your cargo from 1 up to 24 tons
and customs carrier license of our partners allows cutting your transit expenses within the Customs Union territory. We prepare transportation documents and provide access to our online monitoring system, while your cargo is being delivered door-to-door.
Minsk, Belarus
220018, str. Ponomarenko , 35a,
of. 205
Тел.: +375 (17) 300 02 08
Факс: +375 (17) 207 16 51
Service area
Central Europe
Far East Russia
Southern Europe
Central Asia
Western Asia
Eastern Europe
Western Europe
Western and Eastern Siberia
Nothern Europe

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Project Transportation
Delivery of entire plants, large consignments of industrial equipment, production lines... is the most complex cargo transportation type, which implies thorough training and requires maximum team work to arrange the cargo delivery.
Oversized Cargo Transportation
DVS Standart is a transportation company providing services of oversized and heavy cargo transportation throughout countries of Western and Eastern Europe as well as Central Asia.
LTL Transportation
Choosing this way of shipping You score following advantages: regular deliveries with predictable timing and considerable savings on transport costs.

Refrigerated transportation
Temperature regime within the range from −25C to +25C regardless of the weather and the temperature over board of truck.
We deliver the cargo in refrigerated regime, in heating mode or in deep-frozen mode.
High Value Goods
We will ensure perfect en route safety of the cargo through comprehensive control over each transportation stage. We do highly appreciate your confidence and guarantee our customers the highest service levels and reliable cargo delivery.
Delivery of Goods by Small-capacity Trucks
We stick to short delivery terms and punctuality in arrival of our transport at the loading\unloading; the speed of delivery is controlled individually in accordance with your wishes.
With so many years of experience, highly staff
DVS Standart transportation company will carry out transportations of any complexity level.

Responsibility of DVS Standart is guaranteed by CMR-insurance. Your personal manager will insure your cargo according to its full cost on favorable conditions.
DVS Standart is able to solve the most difficult transportation tasks in every business sphere.